TC AIM October 8, TRANSPORT CANADA AERONAUTICAL INFORMATION MANUAL (TC AIM) EXPLANATION OF CHANGES EFFECTIVE—OCTOBER 8, NOTES: 1. Editorial and format changes were made throughout the TC AIM where necessary and those that were deemed insignificant in nature were not included in the “Explanation of Changes”. 2. Transport Canada Aeronautical Information Manual (TC AIM) Reference material with pre-flight information. TP Aircraft airworthiness: Transport Canada civil aviation guidelines: Maintenance control manuals: Maintenance manual. TP Aircraft airworthiness: Air operator maintenance control manual checklist: Manual for air operators. TP. The Transport Canada Aeronautical Information Manual (TC-AIM) has been developed to consolidate pre-flight reference information of a lasting nature into a single primary document. It provides flight crews with a single source for information concerning rules of the air and procedures for aircraft operation in Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs) of interest to pilots.
Aeronautical Information Manual - AIM. AIM. General Information. Air Navigation. Aeronautical Lighting and Other Airport Visual Aids. Airspace. Air Traffic Control. Air Traffic Procedures. Emergency Procedures. IM/IT at Transport Canada. IM/IT Environment / IM/IT References. IM/IT Reports. IM/IT Strategic/Investment Plan FY /08 - FY /11 Vendor Version. Identification/marking your vessel. Importing a vehicle into Canada. In-flight safety for persons with disabilities. Infrastructure Canada. Integrated Human Resource Plan. Forgotten password. To reset your password, submit your username or your email address below. If we can find you in the database, an email will be sent to your email address, with instructions how to get access again. Search by username. Username. Search by email address. Email address.
the Transport Canada Aeronautical Information Manual (TC AIM). The Part IX of the CARs is enforced by delegated peace officers such as a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) or by Transport Canada (TC) inspectors and investigators. TC is also partnering with other provincial and municipal law. Aeronautical Information Manual - AIM. AIM. General Information. Air Navigation. Aeronautical Lighting and Other Airport Visual Aids. Airspace. Air Traffic Control. Air Traffic Procedures. Emergency Procedures. TC AIM Ma TRANSPORT CANADA AERONAUTICAL INFORMATION MANUAL (TC AIM) EXPLANATION OF CHANGES EFFECTIVE—MA NOTES: 1. Editorial and format changes were made throughout the TC AIM where necessary and those that were deemed insignificant in nature were not included in the “Explanation of Changes”. 2.