Description: Utc for Lenel Wiring Diagram, image size X px. Honestly, we also have been noticed that lenel wiring diagram is being one of the most popular subject right now. So that we attempted to find some terrific lenel wiring diagram graphic to suit your needs. LNL Dual Reader Interface Module LNL Single Reader Interface Module LNL Input Control Module Up to 16 Inputs per LNL Motion Sensor Alarm LNL Output Control Module Up to 16 Outputs per LNL RS Multi-drop up to ft. Option 1 TCP/IP NETWORK Reader Reader Reader Option 2 OnGuard® Security Server-OR-. LNL Dual Reader Interface Module Quick Reference Guide Introduction The Dual Reader Interface Module board contains the following components (Refer to Figure 1): A. eight (8) supervised/non-supervised alarm inputs B. one (1) RS interface C. two (2) reader interfaces D. six (6) relay outputs E. one (1) power input.
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43 Overview of the LNL Lenel offers a Dual Reader Interface (DRI) module for business access control solutions. Up to 64 access. control card readers, keypads, or readers with keypads that use standard data1/data0 and clock/data Wiegand. communications are supported. Lock/unlock and facility code, off-line access modes are supported on all. The following table describes the different installation guides available. Document Name Item Number Document Description Advanced Installation Topics DOC A guide that encompasses a variety of advanced topics including Oracle installation and configuration. Installation Guide DOC A comprehensive guide that includes instructions for. LNL Dual Reader Interface Module Quick Reference Guide Introduction The Dual Reader Interface Module board contains the following components (Refer to Figure 1): A. eight (8) supervised/non-supervised alarm inputs B. one (1) RS interface C. two (2) reader interfaces D. six (6) relay outputs E. one (1) power input.