Jan. / FM From the Preface: "The field manual provides a standardized source document for Armywide reference on map reading and land navigation. This manual also contains both doctrine and training guidance on map reading and land navigation. Part One addresses map reading and Part Two, land navigation. Land Navigation / Map Reading What is the Field Manual for map reading and land navigation? FM What are the basic colors of a map, and what does each color represent? Black - Indicates cultural (man-made) features such as buildings and roads, surveyed spot elevations, and all labels. RP Land Navigation TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Given a minimum of a military map, a coordinate scale, protractor, paper, map and a pencil in a field environment, perform basic map reading, per the student handout. (RP) 2. Given a tactical scenario (day or night), individual combat equipment, a military.
The avant-garde Range Rover. Land Rover InControl ® Touch Pro™ Duo infotainment system. Confident, comfortable and truly enjoyable drive. Flush door handles. Optional premium textile and suedecloth interior. Height: inches; Length: inches; Width: inches. SEE VIDEOS. FM MAP READING AND LAND NAVIGATION. FM MAP READING AND LAND NAVIGATION. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD FROM USAPA. The horizontal numbers on your grid are for measuring your easting co-ordinates; the vertical numbers are for measuring your northing coordinates. 1. Line up 0/0 on the bottom left corner of your grid. The first step is to line up 0/0 on your protractor with the bottom left corner of the grid you're working with. 2.
Army DA administrative publications and forms by the Army Publishing Directorate APD. The latest technologies high quality electronic pubs and forms view U.S. Army Regulations and DA Forms. Everything in land navigation begins with an azimuth. An azimuth is a horizontal angle measured clockwise by degrees or mils between a reference direction and a line to an observed or designated point. There are three base directions or azimuths: true, grid, and magnetic. The Army uses azimuths to express direction. Direction is determined from. Land Navigation Manual: How to Use the Military Grid Reference System If you’ve read the first parts of this land navigation manual, you should now know how to read a topographic map, find your bearings, and orient yourself with a map and compass.