List. , BTU/Hr (Radiant Heat) CB30 Brazed Plate Heat Exchanger (10 Plates) CBL , BTU/Hr (Radiant Heat) CB30 Brazed Plate Heat Exchanger (10 Plates) SKU: CBL Alfa Laval. SKU: CBL. Brand: Alfa Laval. Alfa Laval BHEs are available with many different certifications, including UL, ASME, CRN and CE. Brazed Plate Heat Exchangers in the refrigeration cycle Alfa Laval BHEs can be used for any refrigeration application. The figure shows the minimum components necessary in the basic compression refrigeration cycle. 34" 5" 9" lbs 44 lbs For maintenance work not described in this manual, please contact an Alfa Laval Representative for advice. Warranty conditions Unless altered by written agreement, Alfa Laval standard warranty applies. Environmental compliance Alfa Laval endeavours to perform its own operations as cleanly and efficiently as Size: 1MB.
The Alfa Laval Alfa Chill or AC product line is developed for the refrigeration market and two-phase applications. The Alfa Laval AC brazed plate heat exchanger range includes around 35 products in different sizes and design pressures. AC brazed plate heat exchangers support a wide variety of HFC refrigerants such as our a ra and CO2. Available for design pressures ranging from 32 to 60 bar, with the same compact footprint and no need for bigger frames or bolts. With the integrated but flexible DynaStatic distribution system, Alfa Laval AC brazed heat exchangers can provide high performance in evaporation and condensing duties. In many cases, this performance can be %. List. , BTU/Hr (Radiant Heat) CB30 Brazed Plate Heat Exchanger (10 Plates) CBL , BTU/Hr (Radiant Heat) CB30 Brazed Plate Heat Exchanger (10 Plates) SKU: CBL Alfa Laval. SKU: CBL. Brand: Alfa Laval.
ACEQ / ACHEQ Brazed plate heat exchanger General information Alfa Laval introduced its first brazed plate heat exchanger in and has since continuously developed and optimized its performance and reliability. The Copper-Brazed Heat Exchanger Line. Alfa Laval has developed a standard line of BHEs to encompass different applications and heat loads. These heat exchangers, are brazed with % pure copper. Brazed Heat Exchangers are suitable for liquid/liquid, steam/liquid, and gas/liquid applications. Alfa Laval BHEs are available with many different certifications, including UL, ASME, CRN and CE. Brazed Plate Heat Exchangers in the refrigeration cycle Alfa Laval BHEs can be used for any refrigeration application. The figure shows the minimum components necessary in the basic compression refrigeration cycle. 34" 5" 9" lbs 44 lbs