How is General Maintenance Manual abbreviated? GMM stands for General Maintenance Manual. GMM is defined as General Maintenance Manual frequently. GENERAL MAINTENANCE MANUAL CHAPTER MCS PAGE X MANUAL CONTROL SHEET ISSUE 1 REVISION 0 DATE 27/02/ This document is property of AC Aviation Co,Ltd Do not Copied or distributed without company allowed. GMM: General Maintenance Manual: GMM: Genetically Modified Microorganisms: GMM: Gimar Montaz Mautino (French ski equipment company) GMM: George Mason Mortgage (Fairfax, VA) GMM: Give Me Money: GMM: Giovanotti Mondani Meccanici (Italian multimedia artistic group) GMM: Good Mobile Messaging: GMM: Genetically Modified Mosquito: GMM: Global Money.
Part General Maintenance Manual. The FAA Part General Maintenance Manual creates and details the company's maintenance management standards for people, organizations, inspections, training and so much there are supplements for each individual aircraft with specifics for just that aircraft, about maintenance, records, tags, logbooks, s, and more, as these may be handled. General Maintenance Manual GMM-OOOl N¥t.. National Aeronautics and Space Administration Goddard Space Flight Center General Maintenance Manual GMM Release: Baseline Effective Date: June Date s Maintenance Manager ~hr lGf\ ane. Dover Date ief of Flight Operation Goddard Space Flight Center Wallops Flight Facility. CHANGING THE MASTER PAGE CONTROL / LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES, LOG OF REVISIONS AND SUMMARY OF CHANGES 1. Within the directory of computer files under GENERAL MAINTENANCE MANUAL, open the file named: AAL GMMPage The "RX" refers to the "R" Revision and the "X" is the revision number.
General Maintenance Manual (Ten or More Seats – 14 CFR (a) (2)) see our sample pages tab for more information and sample pages. Each GMM includes each operator’s specific aircraft maintenance program and supports 1 or multiple aircraft with required regulatory maintenance policy and procedures. general maintenance manual chapter mcs page x manual control sheet issue 1 revision 0 date 27/02/ GMM - General Maintenance Manual. Looking for abbreviations of GMM? It is General Maintenance Manual. General Maintenance Manual listed as GMM.