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There is no physical manual of Clio's functions. Was this article helpful? Thank you for your feedback. We'll use this information to inform the continual improvement of our self-help resources. This information is confusing or wrong. This isn't the information that I was looking for. I don't like this functionality. The Legal Trends Report. Clio/Laguna (Tuner List) Renault tuner list Takeuchi TB Compact Excavator Illustrated Master Parts List Manual Renault tuner list # Renault Tuner List I²C Renault Laguna 3 Programowanie Karty HF + RenOLink GPS embarqué Renault Mégane 2 Megane CD player HOW TO: Renault AUX Settings On Stock RadioComment débloquer et rentrer le code autoradio. C2 doesn't exist at all on Tuner List models (***) Models before have an analog CD Changer audio input instead of SPDIF. In that case, the pinout is as follows: 18=Audio GND, 19=Audio Left and 20=Audio Right.