E36 On-BoardComputer (OBC) Hidden Codes and Tests There are many interesting functions available on the E36 OBC that are not documented in the owner's manual, including changing the language of the display. BMW E36 M3 ON‐ BOARD COM PUTER CONVERSI ON 1 OBJECTIVE a To replace the 11‐Button OBC that came with my E36 M3 with an 18‐Button OBC. This requires creating and routing a second wiring harness needed for the 18‐ Button OBC. manual describes equipment and fea-tures which you might not have chosen for your vehicle. You can easily recog-nize any differences, as all optional accessories are marked with an asterisk *. If your BMW features equipment which is not described in this Owner's Manual (e.g., car radio or telephone), (Supple-mentary) Owner's Manuals are enclosed.
18 button obc I will trade you an original owners manual for a i and i, a service and warranty info book. operating instruction book for BMW business car radio and an original BMW accessories book dated These books bring quite a bit on e-bay. I just bought a i and the wrong year books came with it. ADDING AN OBC TO AN E36 3-SERIES This is the second of a two part article on adding an OBC to an E36 3-series. The first part explained how to add European-style parking lights, which is a natural project to combine with this one since it shares much preliminary work and because the car needs a different turn stalk if you wish to use it control the OBC. Comments: Just now fixed a bmw e36 model ac climate control unit fault was ac function, re-circulating and defrost switches not functioning when ever the ignition was on. But when the postive battery wire was pulled out and kept for several minutes and refixed sometimes AC function as usual until next start.
Download BMW E36 Owners Manual in English ( out of 5) Turbo Charged BMW E36 is ( out of 5) What type of oil should I use for my BMW E36? ( out of 5) BMW On Board Computer (OBC) secrets! ( out of 5) Removing BMW E36 Glove box DIY! ( out of 5) Footwell light for your BMW E DIY! ( out of 5). Reset Bmw Computer System; Bmw On Board Computer; As I promised you in my previous post (BMW E36 OBC (On Board Computer) Manual – Part 1) which I published yesterday, here’s the second part of the BMW E36 OBC manual. It turned out that it’s a valuable source of information. I didn’t really expect the manual to be this precise, but you. BMW E36 18 Button OBC Conversion Upgrade DIY By Jeremy Reyna jjreyna www.doorway.ru Also includes items from various other sources. BMW E36 M3 ON‐ BOARD COM PUTER CONVERSI ON 1 OBJECTIVE a To replace the 11‐Button OBC that came with my E36 M3 with an 18‐Button OBC.